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BTEC students celebrate results


BTEC students celebrate their results at Barking Dagenham College 2

Over 300 students received their BTEC results at Barking & Dagenham College on Thursday 17 August.

Amongst those celebrating their results were:

Alfie Newman, 24, did a BTEC in Film, achieving the top grade of triple distinction. Film student Alfie always had a huge passion for film since childhood. He got to do lots of work experience, which even saw him doing work experience on a real film set for a major streamer.

Alfie wants to go straight into work or an Apprenticeship and he's currently in the process of applying for jobs.

Milen Nakov, 18, did a BTEC in Creative Media Practice - Games Art and Animation, achieving the top grade of triple distinction.

On finding out he got top marks, Milen said: “I’m really happy that my hard work paid off.”

Milen has applied to university and is hoping to study games design at Staffordshire University.

BTEC students celebrate their results at Barking Dagenham College

Georgia Fisher, 18, completed a BTEC Public Services, securing a distinction and two merits. Reflecting on her experience, Georgia said, "Honestly, the course has been amazing. I believe I made the right choice after my GCSEs. For other students considering a BTEC, I wholeheartedly encourage them to go for it. There aren't as many exams as with A-levels, and it's a very hands-on experience.”

Looking ahead, Georgia plans to join the Fire Brigade after taking a gap year.

21-year-old Matin Salahov did a BTEC in Sports, securing a merit grade. Matin would like to continue his studies at university and then go on to study a PhD. His overall career goal is to get into sports and exercise science, particularly as a strength and conditioning coach. Matin says: “Barking & Dagenham College has a great learning environment, with highly educated tutors. All the facilities you will need are there, as well as the support from staff and peers.”

21-year-old Zlatin Milev got the highest possible grades of triple distinction star in his BTEC in Production Arts. Zlatin has thoroughly enjoyed his BTEC and recommends others to do it. He said it was lots of fun, “I didn't know it would be that good; there were so many different aspects to the course, which made it interesting.”


  • Barking and Dagenham College
  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Apprenticeships
  • Association of colleges
  • The Matrix Standard
  • STEM assured
  • Disability Confident
  • Worldskills UK Local Skills competition
  • Transport for London